City Smile Hospital is conveniently located at KL5 Building No-3, Room No-4/8, Sec 3E Kalamboli, opposite Prince Shoes/Shiv Mandir Mithaiwala, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410218, India.

You can contact City Smile Hospital at 88986 93810 to schedule appointments. Alternatively, you can email us at

Yes, City Smile Hospital accepts most major health insurance plans. Please contact our billing department or check with your insurance provider for details.

Visiting hours at City Smile Hospital are typically from [Specify hours here]. However, please note that visiting hours may vary by department and patient condition.

Visiting hours at City Smile Hospital are typically from 9 AM to 10 AM However, please note that visiting hours may vary by department and patient condition.

Yes, City Smile Hospital has a dedicated emergency department that operates 24/7 to provide urgent medical care.

 Yes, City Smile Hospital has specialized departments

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please feel free to speak with our staff directly, fill out a feedback form available at the hospital, or email us at