Habit Breaking Appliances

Habit Breaking Appliances

At City Smile Dental, we understand that certain oral habits, such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting, can significantly affect dental health and development. Our Habit Breaking Appliances are designed to assist children and adults in overcoming these detrimental habits, promoting healthier smiles and optimal oral health.

What are Habit Breaking Appliances?

Habit Breaking Appliances are custom-made dental devices that help deter repetitive, harmful oral habits. They are typically used for children who are struggling to stop thumb sucking or tongue thrusting. These appliances gently discourage these behaviors by making them less comfortable, eventually leading to the cessation of the habit.

Benefits of Habit Breaking Appliances

  1. Prevents Dental Issues: Prolonged thumb sucking or tongue thrusting can lead to misaligned teeth, bite problems, and changes in the structure of the jaw. Habit Breaking Appliances help prevent these issues by encouraging healthier habits.

  2. Customized for Comfort: Each appliance is tailor-made to fit the patient's mouth comfortably, ensuring that it does not interfere with normal eating or speaking.

  3. Promotes Healthy Development: By stopping harmful habits early, these appliances support the natural growth and development of the teeth and jaw.

  4. Boosts Confidence: A well-aligned, healthy smile boosts self-esteem, especially in children.

How It Works

Our dental professionals at City Smile Dental will assess your child’s specific needs and create a personalized Habit Breaking Appliance. The appliance is typically worn for a specified period and is regularly monitored to ensure effectiveness and comfort.